Companion volume to 'Patterns of the Past'. This book explores the relationships we have in this life and their connections to previous lives. Includes visualis
During 1924, before his last address in September, Rudolf Steiner gave over eighty lectures on the subject of karma to members of the Anthroposophical Society.
12 lectures, Dornach, February 16 - March 23, 1924 (CW 234) During 1924, before his final address in September, Rudolf Steiner gave more than eighty lectures on
Your karma got you down? Transform your relationships on all levels.In this groundbreaking book, Tracee Dunblazier takes an in depth look at your karmic relatio
Is there a karmic connection that binds us to the closest people in our lives? If so, how can we gain insight from past incarnations? Perhaps the answers to the