This is the issue in which we promised your neighbor’s secrets would be exposed. Your secrets too. So sorry to be the bearer of bad news: the secrets, they ha
After issue no. 25, NewPages said, “More, more, more please.” SF Revu suggested, “If you want to support some very wonderful fiction, than subscribe to LC
The new issue of LCRW (#29!) is best read while at work. There is a cooking column ("How to Seduce a Vegetarian") by Nicole Kimberling as well as fiction and po
Three million years from now a thought form called oufaobf will randomly coalesce into LCRW 35 at the same time as 1.2 million monkeys type it out. Which means
Unexpected tales of the fantastic, & other odd musings by Nalo Hopkinson, Karen Joy Fowler, Karen Russell, Jeffrey Ford, and many others Contains stories by the