With Metatron in your corner, you're only a petition away from a better life. Rose Vanden Eynden may be the first to devote an entire book to this powerful cele
This book if approached with humility will bring you fully into your healing mastery. In conjunction with Metatron, this is the Clarion Call. This book will bri
The five books of Enoch are a collection of books written in Semitic languages, and often grouped together as the 'Book of Enoch,' or '1st Enoch.' The books wer
If you know you have something more to do with this life than simply exist, and feel a better destiny awaiting you, you are reading this for a reason. This book
Andrei A. Orlov examines the tradition about the seventh antediluvian patriarch Enoch, tracing its development from its roots in the Mesopotamian lore to the Se