The Alien Detective Agency series of reading books, featuring Jack Swift and Wanda Darkstar, are for children and young adults aged 8 to 14 and over who are str
Something is very wrong. People's shadows are taking on a life of their own - and they are up to no good. Dark times lie ahead if Jack and Wanda don't shine a l
The Alien Detective Agency series of reading books, featuring Jack Swift and Wanda Darkstar, are for children and young adults aged 8 to 14 and over who are str
The Alien Detective Agency series of reading books, featuring Jack Swift and Wanda Darkstar, are for children and young adults aged 8 to 14 and over who are str
The Alien Detective Agency series of reading books, featuring Jack Swift and Wanda Darkstar, are for children and young adults aged 8 to 14 and over who are str