Authors: George B. Smyth
Categories: Causes of anti-foreign feeling in China, by George B. Smyth.--The powers and the partition of China, by Rev. Gilbert Reid.--The struggle for reform in China, by Charles Johnston.--Political possibilities in China, by John Barrett--The gathering of the storm, by Robert E. Lewis.--The Far Eastern crisis, by Archibald R. Colquhoun.--The great Siberian railway, by M. Mikhailof.--China and the powers, by Rear-Admiral Lord Charles Beresford.--Mutual helpfulness between China and the United States, by His Excellency Wu Ting-Fang.--America's share in a partition of China by Demetrius C. Boulger.--America's interest in China, by General James H. Wilson.--The American policy in China, by the Rt. Hon. Sir. Charles W. Dilke