Witch Buster is an ongoing shonen fantasy manga series set in a world where witches have declared war against humanity, and an agency of professional witch hunt
TRIALS AND TRIBULATIONS After his crushing defeat, Tasha needs to get stronger—and fast! Ryuhwan and Tasha come to an uneasy truce, and Ryuhwan agrees to trai
In the altered realms of Battleworld, Angela and Sera are Witch Hunters, the scourges of King James' England, 1602. In a land beset by magic and monstrosity, th
Robert Burns' place in the literary canon is such that books have been published in almost every genre that reference his work. This though, is perhaps the firs
D, the ageless, supernatural Vampire Hunter, takes charge protecting the survivors of an aircraft that has crash-landed in a deadly zone known as "the Playgroun