Elly Knottleweed-Eversprightly hates being a fairy and has already been expelled from two prestigious fairy academies. Elly soon meets Jess, a human girl who is
With the marriage of "The Wizard of Oz's" most beloved song and the iridescent paintings of one of America's beloved artists, readers will find a feeling of war
In a city only for fairies, Rainbowville has brilliantly colored trees, glittering skyscrapers that look like crystal, and fairies skateboarding in midair. It i
A fantastic fairy myth-debunking series from Go Girl author Meredith Badger. Every time Elly goes to a new fairy school, it ends in disaster, but this week, Ell
Trinetta drops off her two young boys with her mother, Betty Jean - and then pulls a disappearing act. BJ is a sassy, pull-no-punches, trademark McMillan matria