INTRODUCING AND IMPLEMENTING REVIT ARCHITECTURE 2010 uses numerous exercises to illustrate how your students can use Revit Architecture's sophisticated and robu
You don't have to be a high-tech wizard to understand the Revit software using Introducing Revit Architecture 2009: BIM for Beginners, the perfect guide for arc
Design Integration Using Autodesk Revit 2016 is designed to provide you with a well-rounded knowledge of Autodesk Revit tools and techniques. All three flavors
Learn BIM the Revit Way Revit is Autodesk's industry-leading Building Information Modeling (BIM) software, and this Autodesk Official Training Guide thoroughly
The best-selling Revit guide, now more complete than ever with all-new coverage on the 2020 release Mastering Autodesk Revit 2020 is packed with focused discuss