Torah Gematria of the Set apart Spirit of Shi-Ling of Shaolin is the art of inquiry of the mind by the hebrew letters which reveal the histories of the mind of
Torah Gematria of the Set-Apart Spirit is the Rowuch Haqodesh "the Set-Apart Spirit" of the Mind language of the Hebrew letters, the spiritual building blocks o
Torah Gematria of the Set-Apart Spirit is a spiritual search by the mind of the Hebrew Letters to reveal the lost teachings of Yahuwashe The Messiah that is rev
Torah Gematria of the Set-Apart Spirit is a mathematical search by the Set-Apart Spirit of the Hebrew letters to show that the day of Yahuweh has come with the
Torah Gematria of the Set-Apart Spirit is a mathematical mind language to measure the greater command of the living Torah, the hidden code of the Set-Apart Spir